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Benefits Of Ramadan

The word Ramadan is derived from an Arabic root (“Ramida”) word which means sun backed ground.

Fasting in Ramadan Expresses the thirst and hunger of less privileged. Ramadan is a period of fasting and sacrifice for the Muslims around the Globe. Unlike other holidays Ramadan retains its intense spirituality and teaches us Taqwa.

Timings and Exceptions in Ramadan:

Ramadan is 9th month of Islamic calendar and its dates are set in accordance with new Crescent moon, based on lunar calendar and by nature it is a time of Sacrifice.

People exempted from fasting:
  • People who can not be held accountable for their deeds (like people who are mentally upset).
  • People who don’t have enough physical strength to observe fast (this category covers old people and sick people)
  • Children less than fourteen years of age
  • Women which are expecting but they have to make up for the fast later.
  • Travelers when they are traveling.

If a person starts eating or drinking during fast intentionally then his fast becomes void and this is a major sin but if one performs this kind of act in in forgetfulness then his / her fast is still valid (only if he stops doing that thing the moment he realize his wrong doing)

General Benefits:

  • Through fasting a Muslim learns about the hunger and thirst experienced by the less privileged and this develops affection among the Muslim community.
  • Through fasting in Ramadan Muslims gain Taqwa which makes them feel closer to Allah (SWT). This makes them realize that all they have in their life is a blessing of Allah (SWT).
  • Muslims in Ramadan go for massive charity which develops a feeling of generosity toward others.

  • Holy Prophet (PBUH) said :

    "A man's wealth is never diminished by charity."

  • In Ramadan During fasting a Muslim abstains from bad deeds and develops a habit of self control thus he practices good manners , speech etc.
  • Keeping the stomach empty and then consuming proper and healthy food increases the chance of achieving a healthy lifestyle.
  • Through gathering in community and family the bond of brother hood is strengthened.
  • Impact of Ramadan:

    All the lessons of life and humanity learned in month of Ramadan produces positive impact of our normal lives and if things are carried properly their impact lasts forever.

    Quran says:
    "learn self-restraint" (Quran 2:183).

    This is the true achievement of this Holly month.

    Saudi Tours is proud to announce its trustworthiness regarding all the Hajj and Umrah Deals or Ramadan Umrah Packages 2018. You can make your spiritual journey completely hassle free by believing in us. For any queries visit our contact page.